Mittwoch, 7. September 2016

Taking care of my website is not the work I enjoy the most, but as a freelance artist it is vital to have a recent online portfolio. I like to share with you my top 5 tips on how to improve your online portfolio. Hope you like it and leave a comment if you have thoughts to share on that topic.

Dienstag, 2. August 2016

My Studio/Year 1989!
I am planning to refurbish my studio in the next weeks (better say month). During the preparation and cleanup I found a lot of old sketchbooks and photos from the years when I started to have a career in illustration. 
Oh boy looking at this old photos is somehow strange. I had a typewriter....seriously?. If you watch closely you see my first computer, an Atari Mega ST with a gigantic 20 MB Hard drive! 
And of course all my Airbrush stuff and my DIY drawing desk. Think my workspace looked so much cooler than it looks today.
A little passion project on the side, working on a Zbrush sculpt of Scarlet Witch from Marvel's Avengers. Work in Progress….