Mittwoch, 7. September 2016

Taking care of my website is not the work I enjoy the most, but as a freelance artist it is vital to have a recent online portfolio. I like to share with you my top 5 tips on how to improve your online portfolio. Hope you like it and leave a comment if you have thoughts to share on that topic.

Dienstag, 2. August 2016

My Studio/Year 1989!
I am planning to refurbish my studio in the next weeks (better say month). During the preparation and cleanup I found a lot of old sketchbooks and photos from the years when I started to have a career in illustration. 
Oh boy looking at this old photos is somehow strange. I had a typewriter....seriously?. If you watch closely you see my first computer, an Atari Mega ST with a gigantic 20 MB Hard drive! 
And of course all my Airbrush stuff and my DIY drawing desk. Think my workspace looked so much cooler than it looks today.
A little passion project on the side, working on a Zbrush sculpt of Scarlet Witch from Marvel's Avengers. Work in Progress….

Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2016

Samstag, 21. Mai 2016

Sketching in Procreate, iPad Pro + Apple Pencil

The timelapse movie recording in Procreate is an amazing feature. It is funny to watch how I struggle finding the right shape for her hair. Music: Home Space by Oliver Lyu, Licensed by

Freitag, 20. Mai 2016

Gravity Sucks!

Time to start the week with some fun cartoon drawing. 

Digital Pencil

Is was an amazing week in Shanghai, Here are more scifi ladys from China. Drawing in Procreate almost feels like sketching with a real pencil. 

Sketching in Procreate

Ths is one of the first sketches I did with Procreate for the iPad Pro. The App is simply amazing!

Shanghai Nights

Shanghai is an inspiring location for drawing Sci-Fi stuff. The view from my hotel window at the Shanghai skyline. Doing some sketches on the iPad Pro, Procrate and the new Apple Pencil, did not missed a Cintiq or Photoshop for one second. 

Working in Beijing

Hello, I am back from a long stay in China where I lived in Beijing and Shanghai for the last couple of month. It was an exciting and crazy time for me. Meeting new friends, places and an incredible amount of Chinese food. I worked exclusively on my iPad Pro and Procreate. New sketches and some photos from China coming soon.

So... let's start blogging.

Looks like I have a blog now. So, let's start posting...